My daughter is a proud youth member of the El Dorado County 4H Program. She began in 2011 as a primary member and has showed poultry and dairy goats.
Our dairy goats include Nigerian Dwarf and Mini Oberhalsi breeds. We have been learning a lot about dairy goats so we can breed them and milk them to make some wonderful cheeses, lotions and soaps. In the meantime, they make great brush eaters!

Spring 2014, our goats were just not keeping up with the weeds so we managed to secure two lambs to help with the weed eating. These ladies are amazing! They showed these goats what it is to eat those grasses and thistles!
Fall 2014, my daughter joined the 4H Sheep project to learn more about these critters. She won’t be raising a lamb this year for the County Fair auction, but will next year if the Swine project doesn’t win out.